Gas-powered fans from Tempest.
Gas-powered fans from Tempest.
Special Operations Power BlowersTM are the perfect choice for departments who often ventilate large, complex and/or multi-story structures (>464 sq. m.) and stairwells. Allows for distanced set-back over 3 m. but requires at least 2.1 m to achieve positive pressure ventilation. Available in gas (Honda® GX engine) or electric (GFCI compatible, variable speed) driven models. The Special Operations (SP) Power Blower™ uses a uniquely designed grill and shroud to produce a narrow, high-pressure air pattern called Laminar Air Flow. Fires in large, complex structures as well as multi-level structures build high back pressures inside the building. This high-pressure air pattern is capable of overcoming these back pressures resulting in uninhibited ventilation. This allows for a distanced set-back reducing fan noise heard inside the structure. Uniquely designed impellers deliver maximum air volume (CFM), velocity, and pressure from each Tempest Power Blower™ . Every size and type of fan features a blade designed specifically for it to deliver the greatest performance possible. Composite blades are much safer than traditional metal blades as they are designed to disintegrate upon the impact of any foreign objects. Metal blades may fragment when integrity is compromised, potentially causing severe injury. Every bend and cross brace weld is structurally engineered to increase the blower frame’s strength to weight ratio by as much as 30%. Welds eliminate the need to continuously maintain/tighten nuts and bolts. Its roll cage design gives protection to all angles and sides of the shroud and motor. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV/PPA. Foot-operated adjustment is quick, easy, and secure. Allows for up to 6 tilt positions: -10°, -5°, 0°, +5°, +10°, +15°. The SPVS bears our latest variable speed drive. This GFCI compatible, NEMA 4 rated control box is durable, reliable, and easy to operate. The 0 – 100 rheostat knob and On/Off toggle is all it takes to operate the unit quickly and effectively. Equipped with a massive 2.0 HP motor and paired with its signature blade and shroud design, the SPVS positive pressure ventilation fan delivers the absolute best in GFCI compatible performance. Cone Air Flow fan placement has always been 1.2 to 1.8 m from the doorway. The SP fan is most effective at a setback of 2.7 to 3.3 m using Laminar Air Flow, allowing improved personnel access. The new shroud and grille design allow high performance at this distance possible. SP units require at least a 7-foot set back to achieve effective positive pressure ventilation. The exclusive full-width handle design makes pushing or pulling the positive pressure ventilation fan too and from the ventilation site quick and easy. The handle quickly swings up to a comfortable height and automatically locks firmly into position. Unlatch and easily fold the handle down for storage at the PPV fan’s listed dimensions. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV/PPA. Foot-operated adjustment is quick, easy, and secure. Allows for up to 6 tilt positions: -10°, -5°, 0°, +5°, +10°, +15°. The rear wheel design improves the positive pressure ventilation fan balance while it is rolling, keeping the shroud from touching the ground and making deployment easy across the snow, heavy mud, or rough, uneven terrain. This design also allows for rapid blower direction adjustment saving time and improving safety. Tempest blowers have no need for wheel brakes. This in turn removes the chance for forgetting to set/release the brakes. The Information/Safety Bar added to the folding handle features a large section of durable, reflective material to dramatically increase the visibility of the PPV fan from the front view and a full list of instructions to allow for safe and effective use. We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFirefighting and EMS Supplies Nationwide
The TEMPEST hydraulic fans can be used when the operational constraints require them Aluminum Water-driven motor with DSP 65 coupling, cutoff and control valve, and pressure gauge. Welds eliminate the need to continuously maintain/tighten nuts and bolts. By redesigning the inward curve and front of the shroud, the Turbo 2000 increases air velocity by up to 30%. Uniquely designed impellers deliver maximum air volume (CFM), velocity, and pressure from each Tempest Power Blower. We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFirefighting and EMS Supplies Nationwide
Features a Tempest exclusive belt-drive design which reduces engine wear, improves CFM performance and provides greater stability. The Tempest Belt-Drive Power BlowerTM is the original PPV fan and still the gold standard today. Offers industry-leading reliability, durability and performance. Uniquely designed impellers deliver maximum air volume (CFM), velocity, and pressure from each Tempest Power Blower™. Every size and type of fan features a blade designed specifically for it to deliver the greatest performance possible. Composite blades are much safer than traditional metal blades as they are designed to disintegrate upon the impact of any foreign objects. Metal blades may fragment when integrity is compromised, potentially causing severe injury. Every bend and cross brace weld is structurally engineered to increase the blower frame’s strength-to-weight ratio by as much as 30%. Welds eliminate the need to continuously maintain/tighten nuts and bolts. Its roll cage design gives protection to all angles and sides of the shroud and motor. The exclusive frame design makes it convenient to lift, carry, and transport. Numerous points on the frame double as lifting/carrying handles. The design itself is the result of three decades of testing, research, and experience to create the most ergonomic platform possible. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV/PPA. Foot-operated adjustment is quick, easy, and secure. Allows for up to 5 (4 on 16” models) tilt positions: -5°, 0°, +5°, +10°, +15° The Tempest Belt-Drive positive pressure ventilation fans were designed with two major goals in mind. The first was to keep the engine at the lowest center of gravity as possible. Doing so greatly reduces the amount of vibration produced by the fan and guarantees it will not “walk”. Secondly, the belt/pulley system allows Tempest engineers to maximize the RPM’s at the blade, optimizing CFM output. The Belt-Drive has been categorized as the “Cadillac” of PPV fans. Gasoline-powered fans offer the highest CFM performance available. Ranging anywhere from 4.8 to 8.5 HP, these positive pressure ventilation fans are recommended for the implementation of a Positive Pressure Attack (PPA) in residential structures. Extra-wide 8″ off-road non-pneumatic tires are more durable and allow easy movement up and down stairs, over curbs, and large diameter hoses, as well as through rough or muddy terrain. No brakes to forget to lock down or unlock. The positive pressure ventilation fan rests on firm, anti-vibration rubber feet for stability. “Walking” or movement of the blower while in operation is eliminated. The risk of getting clothing in PPV fan blades while kneeling to set brake levers is eliminated. By redesigning the inward curve and front of the shroud, the Turbo 2000 increases air velocity by up to 30%. The air hitting the ventilation opening is stronger and maintains PPV pressure farther downwind. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV. Foot-operated adjustment is quick, easy, and secure. The dual step allows for adjustment with either foot. Four back and one forward tilt position. Front and rear safety grilles feature a continuous spun wire body with eight tie-point bars that also support the “Turbo 2000” shroud integrity. Meets strict European CE Safety Standards. Features a large section of durable, reflective material to dramatically increase the visibility of the blower from the front view and a full list of instructions on the back to allow for safe and effective use. We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFirefighting and EMS Supplies Nationwide
Special Operations Power BlowersTM are the perfect choice for departments who often ventilate large, complex and/or multi-story structures (>5005.21 sq.ft.) and stairwells. Allows for distanced set-back over 9.84 ft. but requires at least 6.88 ft. to achieve positive pressure ventilation. Available in gas (Honda® GX engine) or electric (GFCI compatible, variable speed) driven models. The Special Operations (SP) Power Blower™ uses a uniquely designed grill and shroud to produce a narrow, high pressure air pattern called Laminar Air Flow. Fires in large, complex structures as well as multi-level structures build high back pressures inside the building. This high pressure air pattern is capable of overcoming these back pressures resulting in uninhibited ventilation. This allows for a distanced set-back reducing fan noise heard inside the structure. Uniquely designed impellers deliver maximum air volume (CFM), velocity and pressure from each Tempest Power Blower™. Every size and type of fan features a blade designed specifically for it to deliver the greatest performance possible. Composite blades are much safer than traditional metal blades as they are designed to disintegrate upon impact of any foreign objects. Metal blades may fragment when integrity is compromised, potentially causing severe injury. Every bend and cross brace weld is structurally engineered to increase the blower frame’s strength to weight ratio by as much as 30%. Welds eliminate the need to continuously maintain/tighten nuts and bolts. Its roll cage design gives protection to all angles and sides of the shroud and motor. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV/PPA. Foot operated adjustment is quick, easy and secure. Allows for up to 5 (4 on 16” models) tilt positions: -5°, 0°, +5°, +10°, +15°. The SP positive pressure ventilation fans are powered by the tried and true Honda® name. Using two of their most reliable small engines, the GX200 and GX270, paired with Tempest’s signature quality fan designs, these units are built to last. At 5.5 and 8.5 HP, the GX series motors are also equipped to deliver the performance and CFM you’d expect from the Tempest name. Cone Air Flow fan placement has always been 1.2 to 1.8 m from the doorway. The SP fan is most effective at a set-back of 8.86 to 10.8 m using Laminar Air Flow, allowing improved personnel access. The new shroud and grille design makes high performance at this distance possible. SP units require at least a 6.9 m set back to achieve effective positive pressure ventilation. The exclusive full width handle design makes pushing or pulling a positive pressure ventilation fan to and from the ventilation site quick and easy. The handle quickly swings up to a comfortable height and automatically locks firmly into position. Unlatch and easily fold the handle down for storage at the PPV fan’s listed dimensions. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV/PPA. Foot operated adjustment is quick, easy and secure. Allows for up to 6 tilt positions: -10°, -5°, 0°, +5°, +10°, +15°. The rear wheel design improves the PPV fan balance while it is rolling, keeping the shroud from touching the ground and making deployment easy across snow, heavy mud or rough, uneven terrain. This design also allows for rapid blower direction adjustment saving time and improving safety. Tempest blowers have no need for wheel brakes. This in turn removes the chance for forgetting to set/release the brakes. Features a large section of durable, reflective material to dramatically increase visibility of the blower from front view and a full list of instructions on the back to allow for safe and effective use. We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFirefighting and EMS Supplies Nationwide
The Direct-Drive Gas Powered Blower comes with your choice of a Honda engine or a Briggs and Stratton Engine. Tempest Direct-Drive positive pressure ventilation fans offer the ideal combination of value, performance and durability. All models feature an overhead valve engine that delivers incredible reliability. The 18” and 21” Tempest Direct-Drive Power BlowersTM are the most popular PPV units in the world.• The Most Popular Units in the World• Perfect Combination in Value, Performance and Durability• Available w/ Honda GX or Briggs and Stratton OHV Engines Uniquely designed impellers deliver maximum air volume (CFM), velocity, and pressure from each Tempest Power Blower™. Every size and type of fan features a blade designed specifically for it to deliver the greatest performance possible. Composite blades are much safer than traditional metal blades as they are designed to disintegrate upon the impact of any foreign objects. Metal blades may fragment when integrity is compromised, potentially causing severe injury. Every bend and cross brace weld is structurally engineered to increase the blower frame’s strength to weight ratio by as much as 30%. Welds eliminate the need to continuously maintain/tighten nuts and bolts. Its roll cage design gives protection to all angles and sides of the shroud and motor. The exclusive frame design makes it convenient to lift, carry, and transport. Numerous points on the frame double as lifting/carrying handles. The design itself is the result of three decades of testing, research, and experience to create the most ergonomic platform possible. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV/PPA. Foot-operated adjustment is quick, easy, and secure. Allows for up to 5 (4 on 16” models) tilt positions: -5°, 0°, +5°, +10°, +15°. Our line of Direct-Drive positive pressure ventilation fans use only the best small engines the industry has to offer. All 16″ to 24″ PPV fans come available with your choice of either a Honda® GX Series or Briggs and Stratton® OHV engine. Both engines makes are known for their remarkable performance and unchallenged reliability. There’s no wrong choice between these two. Gasoline-powered fans offer the highest CFM performance available. Ranging anywhere from 4.8 to 8.5 HP, these positive pressure ventilation fans are recommended for the implementation of Positive Pressure Attack (PPA) in residential structures. Extra-wide 8″ off-road non-pneumatic tires are more durable and allow easy movement up and down stairs, over curbs, and large diameter hoses, as well as through rough or muddy terrain. No brakes to forget to lock down or unlock. The positive pressure ventilation fan rests on firm, anti-vibration rubber feet for stability. “Walking” or movement of blower while in operation is eliminated. The risk of getting clothing in PPV fan blades while kneeling to set brake levers is eliminated. By redesigning the inward curve and front of the shroud, the Turbo 2000 increases air velocity by up to 30%. The air hitting the ventilation opening is stronger and maintains PPV pressure farther downwind. The exclusive full-width handle design makes pushing or pulling a positive pressure ventilation fan too and from the ventilation site quick and easy. The handle quickly swings up to a comfortable height and automatically locks firmly into position. Unlatch and easily fold the handle down for storage at the PPV fan’s listed dimensions. No levers to set or knobs to tighten when setting the angle for PPV. Foot-operated adjustment is quick, easy, and secure. The dual step allows for adjustment with either foot. Four back and one forward tilt position. Front and rear safety grilles feature a continuous spun wire body with eight tie point bars that also support the “Turbo 2000” shroud integrity. Meets strict European CE Safety Standards. Features a large section of durable, reflective material to dramatically increase the visibility of the blower from the front view and a full list of instructions on the back to allow for safe and effective use.
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