We have a variety of products to help keep things clean from turnout gear to your fire truck or ambulance and beyond. Make sure you are ready to clean your gear when duty calls.
We have a variety of products to help keep things clean from turnout gear to your fire truck or ambulance and beyond. Make sure you are ready to clean your gear when duty calls.
Fire departments have always been proud of the appearance of their vehicles. Of course, this requires a lot of time and labor that could be used in more important places. We have developed a means of cleaning and polishing fire vehicles that is the cheapest, fastest and easiest available anywhere. You have to simply brush or spray it on, let it sit for a minute, then hose or rinse it off. That's all there is to it. No heavy brushing or scrubbing and the trucks don't even have to be wiped dry because there are never any spots. When the material dries, it leaves a high gloss shine because of the built-in wax. So when the trucks come in, just put it on, rinse it off and the trucks are cleaned and polished in one easy step and it just takes a couple of minutes. With a minimum dilution rate of 200 to 1 with water, it is also the most economical product on the market. To top it off, the thin coat of wax is removed every time you wash, eliminating any wax buildup and leaving your vehicles always looking new. MSDS- Wash and Wax We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFirefighting Supplies Nationwide
Machine Turn Out Clean(TM)Professional Cleaner For Turnout Gear We Are Proud To Offer Top-Quality Fire Equipment Nationwide
WHAT IS turn out clean? turn out clean is a biodegradable product designed to clean turn out gear in an easy, safe and inexpensive way. WHERE IS turn out clean USED? turn out clean is used on all fabrics from which contemporary fire fighting apparel is made. This includes Nomex, PBI and Kevlar as well as trim materials like Reflexite or Scotchlite. turn out clean is also great for helmets, boots, faceshields and other accessories. HOW IS turn out clean USED? turn out clean was designed with simplicity in mind. Just spray it on, let it sit for a moment, then rinse it off. What we like to see, just before leaving the fire scene, is a fire fighter grabbing a bottle of turn out clean with a spray top and spraying his buddy, passing the bottle, he in turn spraying his buddy and so on down the line. When they're finished, going back to the first person, rinsing him off with a booster line and then rinsing the others. When they get back to the firehouse they take the gear off and hang it up to dry. That's it! And the hydrocarbons are left where they came from. HOW IS turn out clean USED? A blend of powerful, yet safe, synthetic detergents, turn out clean, will lift out dirt, grease, grime and soot. Hydrocarbons are completely removed leaving the garment 100% NFPA and OSHA compliant. WHY NOT USE A CONCENTRATE? There are several good concentrates on the market that are very powerful cleaners, but they are rarely used at the proper dilution rate and are extremely difficult to rinse. It may look good to the naked eye, closer scrutiny will reveal a film or residue that was left behind. Eventually that buildup will prevent the complete removal of all hydrocarbons. turn out clean is properly diluted at the factory and does not contain much solids. So, turn out clean is easily rinsed and leaves no film or residue. HOW ABOUT A COMMERCIAL WASHING MACHINE? The turn out clean system has proven to be easier, less expensive and equally or more effective without the wear and tear caused by continuous cleaning in washing machines. However, if you prefer using a machine, you can use Machine turn-out-clean, No. MTC-037, designed for heavy duty washers and extractors. IS turn out clean EXPENSIVE? Absolutely not! The main consideration when developing turn out clean was cost. We are aware of the financial limitations that many organizations are experiencing. We were determined from the onset that this system had to be economical. On average, you can clean 15 sets of gear with just one quart. MSDS- Turn Out Clean We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFire Fighting Supplies Nationwide PACKAGING 1 Quart Containers Packaged In Case Of 12 PHYSIO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS pH ...................................................................... 8.0 - 8.5 Boiling Point ....................................................... 212 degrees F Vapor Pressure ................................................... 13 Vapor Density ..................................................... 5+ Specific Gravity .................................................. 1.0 Evaporation Rate ................................................. 0.01 Solubility in water ................................................ complete Appearance ......................................................... thin, purple liquid
With equipment costs constantly spiraling upwards, every firefighting agency must maintain its equipment properly. Corrosion, if not prevented, can virtually put a unit out of business. With a little foresight and the use of this product on a regular basis, the maximum life can be obtained from any piece of equipment. Used at a rate of 600 to 1, this product offers the lowest cost in the industry. It has an indefinite shelf-life and is biodegradable. MSDS- Tank Saver We Are Proud To Offer Top-Quality Fire Fighting Supplies Nationwide
The maintenance of fire hoses has always been a burden for fire departments. Our unique hose cleaner makes the job faster, easier and cheaper. This concentrate will dilute 200 to 1 with water when using a bucket and brush and up to 300 to 1 in high-pressure hose washers. All you have to do is simply brush or spray it on, let it sit for a minute, then hose or rinse it off. One application will remove the heaviest build-up of mud, caked-on dirt, light grease and oil and even some road tars picked up on hot days. Because of a revolutionary new preserving agent, we have incorporated into this product, years of life will be added to your hose with a protective coating that surrounds each fiber. It also contains a rust preventative to aid in protecting couplings and fittings. This product is also biodegradable and as an extra bonus, performs as an excellent all-purpose cleaner in the firehouse for coats, boots and helmets. MSDS-Hose Cleaner We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFirefighting Supplies Nationwide
Since their incorporation in 1932, the founding philosophy of South Park Corporation has remained unchanged: To provide manufacturers and dealers in fire-fighting apparatus and municipal fire department supplies with the finest of workmanship and materials at reasonable prices.
Nightstick, designed and manufactured by Bayco Products, Inc., is a global brand of professional lighting products including flashlights, headlamps and Intrinsically Safe lighting solutions that exceed the industry standards in performance, quality, user-safety and value.