Fast acting aerosol suppressant for early-stage fires within enclosed spaces.
The Stat-X First Responder® is a handheld emergency fire suppression tool (FST) designed for quick deployment in small, early-stage fires within enclosed spaces. This lightweight device, activated by a pull actuator, can be tossed into a fire, where it releases a condensed aerosol agent within seconds to immediately suppress the flames. Its rapid response capability helps contain fires before they become unmanageable, reducing the need for extensive fire department intervention and minimizing water damage and downtime.
Ideal for firefighters, police, and other first responders, the Stat-X First Responder buys crucial time during emergencies. It aids in preventing flashovers, provides escape routes through flames, and is particularly useful for utility workers in hazardous environments like underground vaults. By slowing the fire’s progression, it ensures safety for personnel and facilitates a controlled response, making it an essential addition to any emergency response toolkit.
The Stat-X First Responder is truly a new innovation in fire suppression technology. There is no other like it on the market today. It will not replace anything you are currently using, but it could be a wonderful addition to your arsenal of tools.
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