26 products

Harnesses and Ladder Belts

Harnesses and Ladder Belts

Harnesses and Ladder Belts

  • Belt Extension-Kevlar

    Kevlar Belt Extension

    RIT SCBA Belt Extension Made from the same 1 3/4″ Kevlar webbing as our fire/ escape belts, the extensions will give you some added length to your SCBA belt.  Available in 6″ and 12″ sizes. 10,000# Tensile StrengthFire Rated at 860°F We Are Proud To Offer Top-Quality Firefighting Tools Nationwide

  • Bailout System- No Bag Firefighting Gear

    NFPA Bailout System- No Bag

    Bailout system – no bag This is our bailout system without a bag. All of our egress options are available rope, webbing, F-AL2, F-ALR, and F-AL4. All anchor options are also available RSS hook, Crosby hook, CMC hook, Carabiner We Are Proud To Offer Top-QualityFirefighting Gear


South Park Corp

Since their incorporation in 1932, the founding philosophy of South Park Corporation has remained unchanged: To provide manufacturers and dealers in fire-fighting apparatus and municipal fire department supplies with the finest of workmanship and materials at reasonable prices.

Nightstick Logo


Nightstick, designed and manufactured by Bayco Products, Inc., is a global brand of professional lighting products including flashlights, headlamps and Intrinsically Safe lighting solutions that exceed the industry standards in performance, quality, user-safety and value.


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